This week we’re discussing what it means to have “situation awareness” (not to be confused with situational awareness). We’ll be addressing how to take note and adapt to your meta and the types of situations you’re facing.

Our Commander Community is GROWING! Check out two of the newer podcasts to hit the neighborhood:

The Commander’s Brew:

Rewatch the 2015 Community Cup Here!:
Day 1
Day 2

What We Mentioned on The End Step:
uhh… why don’t you… check out…. our other links below!

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NEW CONTEST! Listen to the show to find out how to enter to win a pack of THE DARK.
Thank you to Alexander Newman for donating the packs! Check out his articles here:

Huge thanks to Geoffrey Palmer for providing some of his amazing Living Cards animations for our videos. Follow him here:
LivingCardsMTG on YouTube

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